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Using HTTP Methods for RESTful Services

HTTP VerbCRUDEntire Collection (e.g. /customers)Specific Item (e.g. /customers/{id})
POSTCreate201 (Created), 'Location' header with link to /customers/{id} containing new ID.404 (Not Found), 409 (Conflict) if resource already exists..
GETRead200 (OK), list of customers. Use pagination, sorting and filtering to navigate big lists.200 (OK), single customer. 404 (Not Found), if ID not found or invalid.
PUTUpdate/Replace404 (Not Found), unless you want to update/replace every resource in the entire collection.200 (OK) or 204 (No Content). 404 (Not Found), if ID not found or invalid.
PATCHUpdate/Modify404 (Not Found), unless you want to modify the collection itself.200 (OK) or 204 (No Content). 404 (Not Found), if ID not found or invalid.
DELETEDelete404 (Not Found), unless you want to delete the whole collection—not often desirable.200 (OK). 404 (Not Found), if ID not found or invalid.


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